Term 1 Inquiry Update

I have found the mathematical challenge a struggle to start off with during my inquiry. I had to get the students to be filmed and say a sentence and this was when I was beyond shocked - some students couldn't even string a sentence together?! How am I expecting the kids to improve their language acquisition in a targeted subject area when they are struggling in social situations and find it a challenge to communicate?

This made me 'rethink' what I was aiming to achieve.  I have realised that their communication skills with peers is crucial.  I realised my over-arching goal was going to be too challenging for my learners and have decided to narrow it down. I will still focus on mathematical language, meanwhile enforcing students to simply be able to converse and discuss their ideas with confidence. This is a huge focus - I am aiming to have students conversate in mathematics and it's a bonus if it is about maths currently! Now... I am attempting to use vocabulary around 'altogether' 'given' 'added' to hopefully improve their language and achievement, hoping this will slowly be concreted into their own vocabulary.   I am continuing to use word problems - we go over a new mathematical word per week which I think is having a positive effect.

For example, our math word of the week was 'altogether', before swimming I said 'Put the towels all together please' to a eager response of 'Miss that means add!' This was an awesome moment with the kid identifying this word in the mathematical world and making connections.

Where to next? 
I plan to keep pushing the students to converse in mathematics and enhance their vocabulary. I will continue to grab opportunities where students are speaking aloud or in front of a few people to gain confidence and to support their language acquisition.

How will I track their progress?
I plan to record a maths lesson, listening to the interactions with each other, focusing on the spoken language and hopefully see the progress throughout the year around dialogue and students gaining confidence to share their ideas as they continue to improve their language acquisition.

Now... about their oral language in social situations, we are now starting to share news each day, whether it is in front of the whole class or to a peer, I am encouraging dialogue and helping to correct errors when they are acknowledged.. even the simple 'Miss toilet?' Is slowly turning into 'Excuse me Miss Moran, can I please go to the toilet?' Woohoo! What a win... looking forward to continually working on this and their mathematical language acquisition next term!


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