
Showing posts from July, 2019

Halfway through the year!

Will culturally responsive practises improve writing motivation and in turn increase achievement in standardised writing testing The students writing test takes place next term and the kids will not have access to their iPads. My inquiry states 'Increase achievement in standardised writing testing.'   This leaves me questioning what to do and how to do it effectively. I am having to slowly eliminate the iPad throughout the term while still hopefully getting the students to write what they were previously capable of  without  the iPad. After discussing this with teachers in my Inquiry Group and teachers around the school, I received a number of great ideas to slowly take away these scaffolds such as: - Talk talk talk - Gift  some  words to the students with the removal of the iPad - Memory games! Talk talk talk... I have actively used this tool throughout the year during writing but I plan to try and extend on this, allowing stu...