Inquiry Update Term 1 Week 9
Will culturally responsive practises improve writing motivation and in turn increase achievement in standardised writing testing? As I reflect on the last month, I am beginning to see changes with my students ability to write simple sentences. I am creating follow up activities on the iPad around alphabet sounds to support the students who are currently solidating this. Some days they do not write and do this as their writing task instead. These students are struggling to record 1 clear simple sentence on their iPad and the sentence is usually far too challenging when they have recorded it themselves. We have been working on writing 'I like to ___ ' & 'I went to the ____' where the students know they can find these words on their helper cards around the room, identify the correct word and write it. I plan to start recording the sentence for them to copy and hopefully build words into their vocabulary throughout the year. My students who are identified as b...